True Love

Many Christians don’t exactly know the essence of God’s love, or may confuse and redefine His love. They take what they know about worldly love and apply it to His love. This can be anywhere from simply helping others to expressing an attitude of the “tolerant,” all-inclusive, can’t-we-all-just-get-along, “coexist” side of things. That’s what love […]


A loving father set his daughter before the two Paths of Life.  “One,” he started, “is the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.  This path is full of mountains, often very difficult to climb, and valleys, often very lonely and dark.  It may be an arduous journey, but it’s the path I desire for you to […]


As mentioned previously, I am a youth leader within the church. Last night I had a dream I was teaching my youth this lesson. In my dream, we were outdoors somewhere. The youth were quite distracted and kept walking off. They didn’t want to hear it at first – as many of us don’t sometimes, […]

The Real Fairy Tale

Bear with me a moment on this one: Sit back and take a deep breath. In and out – slowly. Take a look around. Are you at your desk? Look at your computer. The technological advances within. Perhaps you have a few books—made from grand, sturdy trees—or cleverly-designed man-made materials . Perhaps there are also […]