What and Why

There’s a word we hear a lot as a Christian. Doctrine. What is doctrine?  Why is it talked about so much?  Is it as important as everyone makes it out to be?  My goal is to answer these questions, looking at the Biblical understanding of doctrine. First, let’s get a little background and look at […]


Greetings from your sister in Christ, coming with love and encouragement, gentle correction and guidance.  I’m not going into a super deep study here, but a surface overview in which I would encourage everyone to dig a little deeper. Women, we typically love to feel beautiful.  We want to feel good about ourselves.  That’s the […]


Once again, I come to you as a sister in Christ with reprove, rebuke, and exhortation in complete patience and teaching through love (2 Timothy 4:2). I’ve been studying the topic of miracles over the past several weeks.  In the midst of this study, I happened to be in a local business when I heard […]


I talked about this with my youth this past weekend, and I feel called to share and expound upon that message. So, you’re in worship with the church, or at a Christian camp, or at a Christian conference, and a song is played that stirs the emotions.  You lift your hands, maybe shed a tear […]

Relationship or Religion?

I’m sure you’ve all seen it: It’s become another catchy, cutesy slogan adorning t-shirts, bumper stickers, and your morning coffee mugs. But is there truth behind it? Is Christianity just a relationship, or is it religion? In short, the answer is it’s both! First, we can say, yes, Christianity is a relationship.Now, I couldn’t find […]


Hello, dear friends.  It’s been a while.  (Why is this sounding like the beginning of a country song?)   I’ve been absent from the keyboard for a minute.  Primarily, it was because my family and I were in a fight with COVID.  But I’ve also taken some time to just step back and reflect.  My, […]

The Prodigal

A dear friend of mine just published his first book entitled Start Being, Stop Doing.  I rarely turn the pages of an extrabibilcal, nonfiction book, but in support, I made an exception.  I’m glad I did, as it prompted me to consider a few things.   First, about the book itself, its format is what […]


I had another blog entry to post, but I encountered some things this past weekend to which I felt called to write about instead.   I come again in love with gentle instruction, correction, and encouragement based on what I’ve learned and experienced.  Grace and peace to you, friends. Money.  Boy, what a topic.  You […]


Greetings!  I come once again in grace and peace with patient and gentle encouragement, education, and correction. Love to you all. After seeing advertisements online which claim “Be the best _______ “(fill in the blank with your hobby— baker, singer, writer, etc.), and “How to make _______ like a pro” (again, fill in the blank […]


Ah, sweet freedom.  Christian liberty gives us the right to opinion, to do whatever we see fit in our lives, right?  Well, don’t be so quick to adopt that thought “freely” I’ve given this quite a lot of prayerful thought and study, and I feel urged to share with others what I’ve learned about the […]