The Lord’s Supper

Hello again, dear Christian siblings.  Peace and grace to you all. I’ve intended to write on this subject for a while (some biblical command and some opinion here).  One of the primary reasons the church meets is to break bread by the command (Luke 22:19/ 1 Corinthians 11:24-25) to remember Jesus’ sacrifice, represented by the […]


You know, struggling with eating healthy has brought some things to my attention.  There’s so much contradictory “advice” out there, it’s utterly confusing and downright chaotic.  Eat dairy.  Stay away from dairy. Eat soy, it’s great for hormones.  Stay away from soy, it’s inflammatory and damages the body.  Paleo is the only way to go.  […]

Church or Club?

Greetings, dear siblings in Christ.  I come as a concerned sister with love and patient, gentle correction, hoping to offer truth and shed light on a big problem in the church today—that is, “church” itself.  I’ve touched on this subject before, but I felt called to dig in a little deeper from a different perspective.  […]


Greetings, dear family, in Christ and His love. Once more I come with truth in love, passing on what I’ve learned. I’m not an expert on this topic by any means.  There are so many great apologists and theologians out there which can explain this so much better than I (and I will add some […]


Hello, beloved siblings in Christ.  I come again with encouragement, rebuke, correction, and guidance in love and peace.  I pray that this is received with a prayerful, softened heart—not that you simply take what I’ve written into account, but that you be a Berean and search the Scriptures, praying God reveal truth through His Spirit […]


Having published my last entry focusing on women and roles within the church, I began to think about and wanted to shift to children from a Christian-parenting perspective. When I first had children, I was a false convert.  My identity was anything but Christ, because I was still in possession of my own life, making […]


I want to correct and fine tune what’s true and acceptable for women in the church. First, I want to establish the two key views of women in the church.  Egalitarian.  Egalitarian views assume women are equal to men in every aspect.  There are no distinct roles. Galatians 3:28—”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there […]


Once more I come as a fellow sister in Christ in love and gentle guidance with a study I’ve been working on. This is not an exhaustive study, but a brief overview for consideration as you delve into your own studies of Scripture and how it applies to this topic using proper interpretation. After seeing […]

Truth In Love

It’s been another minute, but instead of longer entries, I’ve been compiling and sharing information on Instagram, my main social media outlet, lately.  Nevertheless, I’ve been working on this blog entry a little as well. Once again, I come as a fellow sister in Christ with all love in patience, gentle correction and encouragement as […]


OK.  Who’s heard (or said) something similar to these phrases:Thank goodness we have Christian liberty.  There is now no condemnation, so I can do ____________ There’s nothing in the Bible that specifically condemns __________.Jesus wasn’t legalistic; He condemned the legalistic Pharisees, therefore, I can wear_________ or do _________, because all things are permissible (1 Corinthians 10:23 […]