The Real Fairy Tale


Bear with me a moment on this one:

Sit back and take a deep breath. In and out – slowly.
Take a look around.

Are you at your desk? Look at your computer. The technological advances within. Perhaps you have a few books—made from grand, sturdy trees—or cleverly-designed man-made materials . Perhaps there are also stacks of paper from those same trees. Perhaps you have a pen or pencil, paper clips, or—if you’re like me—you may have piles of almost everything imaginable where the kids have cleaned up and have dumped it on your desk.

Maybe you’re not at your desk. Maybe you are on your phone (and if you are, I hope you’re not driving!). Consider the technology in that phone. The transmission of frequency. The ability to randomly communicate with anyone in the world! Think about those people you talk to.
Family, friends…telemarketers… ?

Think about those people. They are each different. They reproduce in a complex manner, one which each creature on this planet is slightly different. They breathe. They breathe air found in an atmosphere that is just right, just perfect, for them to maintain life. They eat, sleep, and think. Yes, they think. They ponder things. They store information in their intricately-designed brains, like a computer. They have logic. They experience consciousness and conscience. Although many refuse to admit it, and some have issues where it becomes distorted, they know the difference between right and wrong—they hold moral absolutes. Yes, take a look around: the sky, the wind, the grass and trees and flowers, the bees, the land animals and birds. The sea creatures. The bricks on the house next door, and the shingles on your roof. The rocks, and gems, and dirt found deep within the earth. The tires on your car, the stove you cook on, the cup you drink from…

And all this comes from one piece of matter that happened to explode??

Who is really living in the fairy story?

Even top scientists cannot explain the origin of everything I just mentioned. But there is One who can. One who knows what happened. All because He created it to happen. He has spoken to us, told us our origin. Sadly, many refuse to listen, just as those distorted figures refuse to admit their knowledge of wrong and right—good vs. evil. They frequently let the evil win. And when they perish (and that day will inescapably come), they will have lost everything and will spend an eternity in the fiery land of “if-only.”

That is the sad part. That is the part I weep for.

There is a Book (the Bible), one that tells us the story. Simply open it up and learn of our Intelligent Design, by the One and Only Creator. That is the true origin. There are some questions left to be unanswered. And that is OK! There are also many answers, and we have them right under our noses.

Probably on that same desk you are sitting at or an app on that phone you’re holding… I would hope.