
I watched an interesting news story one day on a popular Spanish television channel. I didn’t listen in, but got enough visual to spark inspiration. The story covered a gathering, a festival of sorts. I wasn’t certain at the time what they were celebrating, but have just recently learned it was a Hindu festival celebrated at this time every year called Holi (pronounced the same way as holy). It is a festival celebrating the triumph of good over evil. The name and religion is quite interesting with what I observed during this news coverage.

During this gathering, all the participants simultaneously released a massive amount of multicolored, powder-like substance. It gave the appearance of vibrant, rainbow-tinged air, floating above the crowd. Someone watching with me commented that it was pretty. I agreed at the moment, until all the colors mixed together. Then it was nothing more than a dull, dirty-brown, unattractive jumble. I began to think about sin.

Satan frequently tempts us. And these temptations wouldn’t entice us if they were not “pretty.” That is how sin appears. At first it seems harmless, perhaps even beautiful, and many times masquerading as light and love (2 Corinthians 11:14). Nevertheless, once we fall into the sin, we may discover that it is nothing more than a façade. Sometimes people are completely blinded and never make that discovery, but some soon realize the ugly, unattractiveness in which they have entangled themselves. All that beauty and attraction disappear, and the truth is revealed. However, it is too late. We have fallen into that sin. There is no turning back. Is there?

That is where God’s grace enters. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us—to offer us a chance to receive salvation through Jesus’ shed blood. Once we surrender to Him as our Savior and Lord, believing His Gospel, repenting, and being baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all of those hideous, chaotic transgressions are washed clean from our souls. We are clothed with Him in purity. We put on His righteousness. In holiness.

Ah, back to that word. “Holy.” Although the Hindu word “Holi” regarding this festival is different, representing a false god and religion, a fascinating parallel is revealed. Those temporarily beautiful colors turn into a jumbled mess. Do not let Satan’s fictitiously-beautiful temptations and falsehoods discolor your spirit, but instead allow the Holy Spirit to present you a spotless bride.