Tag: sin


Yea, this one isn’t gonna just step on toes.  It’s going to crush them.  Even my own—OUCH! Most people know the fruit (singular) of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (in the original text, there is no “and self-control”, because these are united aspects of one essence—the divine nature of […]

Spiritual Warfare

There is so much debate around spiritual warfare, demonic possession, deliverance ministry, and the like, causing me to evaluate my understanding and nail down exactly what is biblical truth about the matter.  Looking to the New Testament church, there is no Scriptural support for demonic possession of Christians, per se, but there is Scriptural support […]

Once Saved, Always Saved?

Greetings, dear family in Christ.  As always, I come with His love, exhorting, teaching, correcting, and rebuking with mercy in the name of Jesus Christ, only passing along the lessons I’ve learned and feel the call to share.  I pray over each of you that you will approach these entries with teachable hearts, eager to […]


It was laid on my heart to study the book of Jude.  Yes, Jude—you know, that short book of the New Testament just before Revelation.  Many may often overlook this book, because it may not be as “popular” as Genesis or Revelation or others in between, but it packs a spiritual punch we should not […]


We recently vacationed in a town with several extensive bridges over large bodies of water.   I am one who is bothered by crossing bridges in a vehicle.  Not necessarily a fear, but not exactly comfortable.  However, after being in this town for a few days, traveling these bridges frequently, I began to acclimate.  I no […]


I watched an interesting news story one day on a popular Spanish television channel. I didn’t listen in, but got enough visual to spark inspiration. The story covered a gathering, a festival of sorts. I wasn’t certain at the time what they were celebrating, but have just recently learned it was a Hindu festival celebrated […]

Bless This Mess?

I love social media’s “memories.” It helps me see my spiritual progress, reflect on the areas in which I’ve grown or need to improve, and reminds of many excellent lessons learned and taught. The following is one memory that is worthy of sharing – Something was on my heart (after receiving a mailer) that I […]


Let’s talk freedom in Christ.  Here’s the problem: Freedom in Christ, first of all, does not give us license to sin.  Nor does freedom in Christ mean we can get that nose piercing or that cross tattoo or listen to secular music or pass along that (very worldly) “funny” meme and still be OK within […]

Repentance and Sanctification

Let’s talk repentance.  But isn’t it “Come as you are?”  Do I really have to get “cleaned up” before coming to Christ?  What’s this all about?  First, let’s be clear about “come as you are.”  I’m not sure who first coined this term (and I cannot find it in Scripture), but I love how it’s […]