Tag: saved


We hear a lot about “works” in the life of a Christian, but what are works?  When we see “works” in Scripture, the reference is to works of the Law—Mosaic Law, including circumcision—or good deeds (obedient works of godliness and holy living—some examples: well-doing, loving others, forgiving others, being just, righteous conduct, etc.), something I’ve […]

The Prodigal

A dear friend of mine just published his first book entitled Start Being, Stop Doing.  I rarely turn the pages of an extrabibilcal, nonfiction book, but in support, I made an exception.  I’m glad I did, as it prompted me to consider a few things.   First, about the book itself, its format is what […]


Y’all, there’s a pandemic!   No, I’m not referring to that physical virus spreading around.  I’m talking about a spiritual plague in our local churches—that of false conversion and apostasy. We have people sitting on our pews every Sunday are who are in false conversion, and they don’t even know it!  Likewise, we have people […]

Once Saved, Always Saved?

Greetings, dear family in Christ.  As always, I come with His love, exhorting, teaching, correcting, and rebuking with mercy in the name of Jesus Christ, only passing along the lessons I’ve learned and feel the call to share.  I pray over each of you that you will approach these entries with teachable hearts, eager to […]