Tag: love

The Prodigal

A dear friend of mine just published his first book entitled Start Being, Stop Doing.  I rarely turn the pages of an extrabibilcal, nonfiction book, but in support, I made an exception.  I’m glad I did, as it prompted me to consider a few things.   First, about the book itself, its format is what […]

“Reckless” Love?

You cannot turn on a radio today and not hear “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury at some point.  It’s a dramatic song that speaks to the emotions, making you feel good and loved.  A couple years ago, I even had our youth singing it before crowds.  But when we begin to rely too much on […]


A few years ago, I was blessed -courtesy of a local radio station- to be able to attend the Newsboys Love Riot Tour. Before they took the stage, there was a dramatization/concert performed by Rivals (*video at the end). This focused on a tug between love and truth. All too often Christians tend to grasp […]

True Love

Many Christians don’t exactly know the essence of God’s love, or may confuse and redefine His love. They take what they know about worldly love and apply it to His love. This can be anywhere from simply helping others to expressing an attitude of the “tolerant,” all-inclusive, can’t-we-all-just-get-along, “coexist” side of things. That’s what love […]