Tag: Jesus

The Chosen

There are so many depictions of “Jesus” today, from books like Jesus Calling to films like The Passion of the Christ and The Chosen, and most of these depict a false Jesus.  Some are downright blatant in their dangerous heresy, like The DaVinci Code.  Anything, though, which isn’t 100% biblically accurate—taken straight from the pages […]

The Lord’s Supper

Hello again, dear Christian siblings.  Peace and grace to you all. I’ve intended to write on this subject for a while (some biblical command and some opinion here).  One of the primary reasons the church meets is to break bread by the command (Luke 22:19/ 1 Corinthians 11:24-25) to remember Jesus’ sacrifice, represented by the […]

Relationship or Religion?

I’m sure you’ve all seen it: It’s become another catchy, cutesy slogan adorning t-shirts, bumper stickers, and your morning coffee mugs. But is there truth behind it? Is Christianity just a relationship, or is it religion? In short, the answer is it’s both! First, we can say, yes, Christianity is a relationship.Now, I couldn’t find […]

The Prodigal

A dear friend of mine just published his first book entitled Start Being, Stop Doing.  I rarely turn the pages of an extrabibilcal, nonfiction book, but in support, I made an exception.  I’m glad I did, as it prompted me to consider a few things.   First, about the book itself, its format is what […]