Tag: God

The Lord’s Supper

Hello again, dear Christian siblings.  Peace and grace to you all. I’ve intended to write on this subject for a while (some biblical command and some opinion here).  One of the primary reasons the church meets is to break bread by the command (Luke 22:19/ 1 Corinthians 11:24-25) to remember Jesus’ sacrifice, represented by the […]

Native Tongue

Have you ever learned a foreign language?  I chose French in junior high, but then I switched to Spanish during young adulthood in college.   The key when learning a new language is practice, practice, practice!  This is also true for public speaking.  The first thing my public speaking professor urged us to do was practice.  […]

“Reckless” Love?

You cannot turn on a radio today and not hear “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury at some point.  It’s a dramatic song that speaks to the emotions, making you feel good and loved.  A couple years ago, I even had our youth singing it before crowds.  But when we begin to rely too much on […]

Death of Discretion

Before social media blasted onto the internet scene, we were a society that was able to keep our personal lives well-locked behind closed doors—unless you were the gossip at social gatherings.  Today, however, you cannot go one minute without seeing what someone has eaten, where they are going, where they’ve been, what their spouse or […]


It was laid on my heart to study the book of Jude.  Yes, Jude—you know, that short book of the New Testament just before Revelation.  Many may often overlook this book, because it may not be as “popular” as Genesis or Revelation or others in between, but it packs a spiritual punch we should not […]


A meme by Motherhood. org on Facebook states, “If you have children, remember this: When you finish with them, the rest of the world has to live with them, so please teach them respect.” Respect is a seemingly absent practice. It is often misunderstood for basic manners. Respect is more than just please and thank […]


A loving father set his daughter before the two Paths of Life.  “One,” he started, “is the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.  This path is full of mountains, often very difficult to climb, and valleys, often very lonely and dark.  It may be an arduous journey, but it’s the path I desire for you to […]

The Real Fairy Tale

Bear with me a moment on this one: Sit back and take a deep breath. In and out – slowly. Take a look around. Are you at your desk? Look at your computer. The technological advances within. Perhaps you have a few books—made from grand, sturdy trees—or cleverly-designed man-made materials . Perhaps there are also […]