Tag: Christian

The Chosen

There are so many depictions of “Jesus” today, from books like Jesus Calling to films like The Passion of the Christ and The Chosen, and most of these depict a false Jesus.  Some are downright blatant in their dangerous heresy, like The DaVinci Code.  Anything, though, which isn’t 100% biblically accurate—taken straight from the pages […]


Yea, this one isn’t gonna just step on toes.  It’s going to crush them.  Even my own—OUCH! Most people know the fruit (singular) of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (in the original text, there is no “and self-control”, because these are united aspects of one essence—the divine nature of […]


We hear a lot about “works” in the life of a Christian, but what are works?  When we see “works” in Scripture, the reference is to works of the Law—Mosaic Law, including circumcision—or good deeds (obedient works of godliness and holy living—some examples: well-doing, loving others, forgiving others, being just, righteous conduct, etc.), something I’ve […]

The Lord’s Supper

Hello again, dear Christian siblings.  Peace and grace to you all. I’ve intended to write on this subject for a while (some biblical command and some opinion here).  One of the primary reasons the church meets is to break bread by the command (Luke 22:19/ 1 Corinthians 11:24-25) to remember Jesus’ sacrifice, represented by the […]

Native Tongue

Have you ever learned a foreign language?  I chose French in junior high, but then I switched to Spanish during young adulthood in college.   The key when learning a new language is practice, practice, practice!  This is also true for public speaking.  The first thing my public speaking professor urged us to do was practice.  […]


Y’all, there’s a pandemic!   No, I’m not referring to that physical virus spreading around.  I’m talking about a spiritual plague in our local churches—that of false conversion and apostasy. We have people sitting on our pews every Sunday are who are in false conversion, and they don’t even know it!  Likewise, we have people […]

Chameleon or Butterfly?

I taught this in my Sunday Bible school class some years ago. It’s good to reflect on, determining in which category you fit. We look at two creatures and how they correlate to our walk with Christ. The chameleon and the butterfly. The chameleon is the type of person who proclaims the name of Christ […]


In our youth Bible study we’ve been discussing your personal relationship with Christ.  Nobody can make that relationship for you; that is a covenant between you and God alone through Jesus Christ.  This is something I think all youth—adolescents and teens—need to fully understand, because it can be so easy to follow the crowd, to […]

Once Saved, Always Saved?

Greetings, dear family in Christ.  As always, I come with His love, exhorting, teaching, correcting, and rebuking with mercy in the name of Jesus Christ, only passing along the lessons I’ve learned and feel the call to share.  I pray over each of you that you will approach these entries with teachable hearts, eager to […]

Death of Discretion

Before social media blasted onto the internet scene, we were a society that was able to keep our personal lives well-locked behind closed doors—unless you were the gossip at social gatherings.  Today, however, you cannot go one minute without seeing what someone has eaten, where they are going, where they’ve been, what their spouse or […]