Intro Blog


I hope you gain knowledge and wisdom here as you grow in Christ! Be sure to check out each part of my website:
The Christian
Common Struggles
False Convert
The Mom
Stress and Children
The Health Nut
Brain Health and Sleep
The Author
The Encouragement – Blog

Please Note:
Every aspect of my website is submitted for personal growth in Christ as a Christian. I am still studying the Word and growing as a Christian myself, therefore, my information may change as I change, learn, and mature. My studies thus far have led me to the following conclusions, and are supported with Biblical reference. I intend this information to help you on your journey – along with your own studies – and lead you to a genuine, thriving, maturing, reconciled relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ.

I in no way intend to act in all authority on any subject matter (as none of us can rightly claim) and want you to know I am doing this solely out of strong conviction to use my writing abilities and studies to help in any way I can by being a “light in the darkness,” an ambassador for Christ.

Grace, peace, and love to you all!