
A loving father set his daughter before the two Paths of Life. 

“One,” he started, “is the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.  This path is full of mountains, often very difficult to climb, and valleys, often very lonely and dark.  It may be an arduous journey, but it’s the path I desire for you to take.  The other is the Path of Iniquity and Separation.  This path is often quite flat and easy to traverse.  Unlike the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation, the winds on this path flow with you, and not against you, helping you move along quickly and easily.  Grant it, there are a few small hills and a few slight dips.  Although this path is practically effortless,  it is not the path I desire for you.  Now, I have given you the information you need to begin whichever journey you choose.”

“Thank you, Father,” responded the daughter. 

“One more thing,” the father added.  “On both paths you will meet many diverse creatures.  Sheep of Innocence and Friendship.  Tigers of Truth and Comfort.  Wolves of Lies, sometimes disguised as Sheep of Innocence.  Dragons of Deception.  Beware of them, too, as they can often masquerade as Tigers of Truth.  Many, many various creatures.”

With all this information, the daughter had Knowledge.

“I understand, Father.  The Knowledge you have given me is vast.”  The daughter replied.

“Ah, it is, indeed, as there is a lot to learn.  I also must warn of one rule.  If you so choose the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation, there’s no turning back, and you can never deviate from the path.  You must continue, despite whatever rough terrain lies ahead.”

After the father left the daughter to ponder her next move, the daughter considered all the Knowledge she had stored up.   The more she contemplated the two paths and all the information given her, she was finally ready to act on the father’s desires and choose the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.  Not only because it seemed right by her own conclusions, but because it is what her father desired of her, and she wanted to obey more than anything. 

She had applied Wisdom.

So, out on her journey she set.  Down the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.  She encountered a couple Sheep of Innocence and Friendship toward the beginning of her journey.  One of which helped her climb her very first mountain.  It was tough, but with the Sheep by her side, she didn’t notice the complexity as much.  The same happened when she encountered her first valley.  She befriended a Tiger of Truth and Comfort just when she was in the darkest portion of the valley.  When she felt like giving up and turning back, he reminded her of the truth and the instruction from her father.  She felt lonely, abandoned almost, but he was there right beside her to comfort her as well.  It was only because of his calm and assurance and her obedience to the father that she continued on.  She traveled and traveled and traveled.  Sometimes the winds almost knocking her off her feet as they pushed against her.  But she didn’t stop.

One day while she was all alone—without the Sheep of Innocence and Friendship or the Tiger of Truth and Comfort, as she began to ascend yet another mountain, a different sort of Sheep of Innocence and Friendship appeared.  He seemed like all the others, but he was just the tiniest bit eccentric. Something was…off.

Instead of the kind support she felt with the other Sheep, this Sheep told her, “You’re not going to be able to make it across this mountain, friend!  You should give up and go home before it’s too late.  Your reward at the end will still come, so just make it easy on yourself and turn around!”

The daughter began to fret over the mountain that lie ahead.  It is going to be difficult. Her thoughts began.  This one is much bigger than the last.  Perhaps I should listen to the friendly advice of this Sheep.  

Just as she began to turn around, walking just a few steps back, a great wind came.  She looked to the Sheep by her side, but found that his cover had been blown away, and she was standing before a ravenous wolf.  “A Wolf of Lies!” She exclaimed. 

 Once his true identity was revealed, he fled away as swiftly as the wind that exposed him.

She immediately realized what he was trying to do with his lies, so she instantly turned back around and continued on the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.   Even though she had to face the  mountain climb alone, she was prepared to persist. 

The mountain had left her breathless and tired.  It had taken almost all her energy to climb, yet she didn’t give up.  The next few days of her journey were pretty easy.  Almost too easy.  She met a few more Sheep of Innocence and Friendship—real ones.  She even got to experience a grand feast and celebration, one which she received many gifts.  Things were going wonderfully.

As she journeyed along, one day she tripped and tumbled into the deepest valley she’d experienced.  It was cold and dark.  She was all alone.  The wind was pushing against her, howling its evil cries and lapping its arctic tongue alongside her face, leaving trails of minute snowflakes behind.  Finally, it died away.  Then she was left in silence.  Not a sound to be heard.  Not another soul around to be seen.  Darkness.  Loneliness.  All she could do was remember her instruction and the good times she had just experienced.  She remembered what it was like in the last valley with the Tiger of Truth and Comfort.  She remembered his words and encouragement.  But the memories were fading.  The darkness of the valley seemed to be consuming her more and more, even though she kept walking, trying to find her way out as quickly as possible. 

Finally, a Tiger appeared from behind a huge boulder in the valley.  This Tiger’s stripes were different than the last, though.  And his eyes…  This Tiger was somewhat odd. 

“Over here,” the Tiger began. “I have a shortcut that will be just the ticket!  I see how lonely and terrified you are to be here, and I want you to be happy.  This shortcut is super easy!  Nothing but bright sunshine.  No mountains.  No valleys.  The best part?  You’ll get to your destination so much faster!  And, you might receive some grand feasts, celebrations, and gifts on that shortcut, too!

The daughter thought for a moment.  This Tiger’s words were also encouraging, but an unusual sort of encouragement.  This encouragement didn’t remind her of her father’s truth and instruction, but it did appeal to her greatly.  She stopped and thought for a little while. 

“Look.  It seems as though you need to think about this.  Rest.  Sleep on it.  I’ll return in the morning to show you the way.”  With that, the Tiger bounced away into the shadows.

The daughter, almost too fearful to sleep, stretched out on a small patch of grass and fell into a deep sleep. 

When she could sleep no more—because she couldn’t tell if it was morning or not because of the darkness, she rose to her feet and searched for the Tiger.  She didn’t have to look long, because he was there watching her from behind a decaying tree, waiting for her to rise.  

“Well?  Care to learn the way now? “ He inquired with great expectancy. 

 “I certainly appreciate the offer, kind, encouraging Tiger, but my instructions were to continue down this path, no matter how hard it may be,”  the daughter explained.          

“You mean, you want to continue traveling a path that’s full of loneliness, sadness, and hardship, and give up the shortcut that will bring you so much ease and prosperity?  Gee, are you crazy or what!”

Once again, a great wind came.  This was a familiar wind, however.  A warm wind.   Not the cold squall that bit at her in this valley.  With its force, it unmasked a Dragon of Deception.

The daughter jumped back, but the Dragon was carried away with the wind. 

She realized the Dragon of Deception was misleading her with false promises.  Once again, despite the desolation and adversity, She was glad she decided to continue the Path of Righteousness and Reconciliation.  She wanted to continue to honor her father’s desire in obedience. 

After this encounter, she never really left the valley.  Some areas were a little brighter than others, and she was thankful for that.  But she never exited the valley.  She thought she may never reach her destination unless she left the valley.  Nevertheless, as she walked along the River of Tears and Joy, and just as she rounded the corner of the Hill of Memories, to her surprise, she saw her destination.   She wasn’t sure what to feel.  Peace, fear, joy, sadness.  All flowed through her.  Yet, regardless of her many emotions, she ran the rest of the way. 

Once she arrived, she barely noticed the beauty that surrounded her, because her focus was on her father.  He was there, waiting for her.         

“Father!  Oh, Father, it is so good to see you!”  She exclaimed running into his open arms.  “You were right about everything.  The mountains and valleys, the many creatures and experiences.  All of it!”

“My dear daughter, you are here.  What a blessing!  I know of all those things.  I know it wasn’t easy all the time, and I am glad you persisted.  You learned much Knowledge, and you applied Wisdom.  But, what’s more, is that you carried it all out with Integrity.  Not many will do that.  Well done, good and faithful daughter!”

Knowledge is knowing which path you should choose.

Wisdom is actively choosing that path to take.

Integrity is staying on that path, even if an easier shortcut is offered.

Don’t compromise your integrity for a short-cut, a false promise, pride, greed, and selfishness.     

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when (you think) no one is watching.

C.S. Lewis